Caris Foundation International Kenya is a non-profit organization that deals with community problems that affect the well-being of people in various ways. To address these community challenges, the Caris Foundation is implementing eight programs that aim to alleviate poverty in various ways. All these programs are implemented through the noble approach of empowerment. Empowerment is the process of giving power to individuals through knowledge and skills so that they can cause change in their lives.
– Peter Thoya, Program Manager
Our goal at Caris Kenya is to empower people out of poverty with a holistic Kingdom of God approach. People do not get into poverty through one cause. It’s because of multiple factors. And every one of those factors has to be attacked. Therefore you will see that we have eight different ministries that together empower people out of poverty. It’s a slow process but very rewarding because we see people change. That change begins with the foundation of FAITH, HOPE and LOVE which are our core values.
The stories in this newsletter are stories of God’s restorative work in the lives of people in Kilifi County of Kenya. They are stories about people who have begun to experience the kingdom of God through the work of Caris Foundation. They are stories of real people learning to be better men, by discussing how to make sure women enjoy human rights and participate in economic activities. They are stories about people who previously missed opportunities to participate fully in society and the workforce because of illiteracy but now doors are opening for them. They are stories of a people in the community taking up their roles of ruling, reigning, and tending over God’s creation as responsible stewards.
The 2022 Head and neck surgery camp, sponsored by Caris Foundation International, brought together American and Kenyan specialists. A total of 23 American otorhinolaryngologists, residents, anesthesiologists, nurses, speech-language pathologists, and pathologists participated in the surgical camp, which was overseen by Dr. James Netterville. The Kenyan team, on the other hand, included members of the University of Nairobi (UoN), Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH), Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC), and an otolaryngologist from the Malindi sub-County hospital.
The two-week surgery camp carried out 54 major operations, 18 lipomas, and 4 keloids. Over 400 people with head and neck conditions underwent screening. Over 5000 people with head and neck growths have benefited from the camp since it began ten years ago.
Caris Kenya Foundation International’s main goal is to alleviate poverty that prevails amongst the people of Kenya, specifically the people of Kilifi County. Through a holistic approach Caris is implementing eight programs, namely; TTG, Agriculture, Youth mentorship, Business mentorship, Gender violence prevention, Adult Literacy, Health, and Spiritual formation aimed at addressing the problem.
– Peter Thoya, Program Manager
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Caris Foundation Kenya had a very fruitful 2021 despite the challenges of the global pandemic. Take a look at this highlight video to see all of those who’s lives were positively changed.
It has been a marvelous year. We have more than doubled our outputs from last year with around 44,000 participants who experienced the Grace of God in their lives because of the ministries of Caris Foundation. These households total to more than 160,000 people impacted and influenced by the efforts of our staff!
– James D. Reppart, International Facilitator
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At Caris Foundation Kenya, we’ve had a remarkable year. Please join us as we take a look at the achievements of 2020.
More than 400 women in five sub locations have benefitted from a health outreach program hosted by Caris Kenya. In conjunctions with Malindi sub county hospital, the outreach program provided blood pressure testing, cancer and sexually transmitted diseases (STI’s) awareness.
The activity is a follow up on a medical camp held in October last year, which provided breast and cervical cancer screening, blood sugar and pressure testing, HIV counselling and testing.
The outreach program creates an interactive atmosphere to address high mortality rates and susceptibility of the disease. It was also a platform for women to share their own experiences with breast and cervical cancer. The women concurred that education and awareness are important in the battle against cancer.
Authority: USAID Cooperative Agreement Award No. 72052118CA00001
Source/origin: Geographic Code 937
Purchaser: Caris Foundation International, 55 Main Street, Suite 200, Colleyville, Texas 76034
Issue Date: March 13, 2018
Bid Submission Deadline: March 27, 2018 at 5 PM CST at CFI’s offices in Port au Prince, Haiti
Qualified and interested firms may obtain an electronic copy of the Invitation for Bids (“IFB”), including terms, conditions, and specifications by making written request to Christopher Harmon at the above address or by email to Telephone requests will not be honored.
CFI invites bidders to submit sealed bids for the supply of project vehicles and related goods/services as further described in the IFB. Bidders must demonstrate capability, based upon technical expertise, management capability, workload capacity and financial resources to implement and manage this contract.
It is CFI’s intent to award a contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
The anticipated implementation period is April 2018, starting from the official start date of the contract.
CFI encourages and welcome in this activity the participation, to the fullest extent possible, of minorities and women both as individuals and as members of contracting or sub-contracting firms. In this respect, it is anticipated that the prime contractor will make every practicable use of such personnel and firms. The participation of small, disadvantaged and women-owned business concerns in this activity as prime contractors or subcontractors are encouraged if they meet the above stated requirements.
Bidders making offers to provide the vehicles must be eligible suppliers in accordance with the requirements set forth in 22 CFR 228 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Bidders must also comply with the applicable provisions of 2 CFR Part 200.
Project Santé, a Cooperative Agreement Between USAID and Caris Foundation International, to Expand Essential Healthcare for up to 4.2 Million Haitian People
COLLEYVILLE, Texas, Dec. 18, 2017 – Caris Foundation™, a non-profit, private foundation founded by the David D. Halbert family, announced that its subsidiary, Caris Foundation International™, has entered a cooperative agreement with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to bolster health care in Haiti through a $98.5 million investment over the next four years. ‘Santé’ (“Health” in Haitian Kreyol) will be implemented as a consortium with Caris Foundation International as the leader, Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) and the Haitian Health Foundation, with the overall goal of assisting, strengthening and expanding essential health services, ultimately serving up to 4.2 million Haitian people. The project will expand and support the work of more than 160 hospitals and clinics nationally to provide quality care.
As part of a patient-centered approach, Santé will provide integrated maternal and child care to Haitian families, with a particular focus on immunization, reproductive health, nutrition services and HIV prevention, care and treatment. Working in partnership with the Haitian Government, USAID, non-government organizations and faith-based organizations, the ‘Package of Essential Services’ national strategy will be realized.
“Caris Foundation’s objective is to help relieve as much human suffering worldwide as possible, and through our hard work and passion for the people of Haiti we have been blessed to be able to build impactful, patient-focused medical programs for children and families affected by HIV,” said Nathaniel Segaren, M.D., M.B.A, M.P.H., Country Director for Caris Foundation International. “We are excited to build upon our existing programs and we look forward to working with our other Santé Consortium partners to broaden access to essential, high quality health care for the Haitian communities served through the project.”
“We are thrilled to partner with USAID, Caris Foundation and CMMB, and convinced that our combined strengths, experience and strong community ties will enable successful completion of the strategic objectives of Santé,” said Nadesha Mijoba, M.S.-C.E.D., M.P.H., Country Director of the Haitian Health Foundation.
“I cannot overstate how privileged CMMB feels to be able to work with two of its partners, Caris Foundation and Haitian Health Foundation, to positively impact the provision of quality health care services across Haiti and to facilitate community involvement in the Haitian health care system,” said Dianne J. Francois, Country Director of CMMB.
For more information, visit the U.S. Embassy in Haiti website here and Caris Foundation online at
About Caris Foundation ™
Caris Foundation™ is a non-profit, private foundation that aids and empowers impoverished people to alleviate as much human suffering as possible. Caris Foundation focuses its efforts to establish a local presence within communities in order to understand the people’s basic needs and implement solutions that are culturally relevant and sustainable. The foundation was founded and is solely funded by the Halbert family. Headquartered in Colleyville, Texas, Caris Foundation provides medical and empowerment services in Haiti, Kenya and other areas across the globe in need of help. Learn more at
About Haitian Health Foundation
Haitian Health Foundation is a non-profit organization, currently operating in the Grand Anse region, that works to improve the health and well-being of women, children, families and communities through dental, mental and primary health care services, nutritional support, access to education, sustainable community development strategies, and other essential services to over 250,000 Haitian people. Headquartered in Norwich, Connecticut, HHF has provided services to the people of Haiti since 1985. Learn more at
About Catholic Medical Mission Board
CMMB has had roots in Haiti since the early 20th century, when its founder went there to minister to lepers. Today, it is a highly-respected non-profit organization, driven by its faith-based mission of service, to promote healthier lives worldwide by working in partnerships to deliver locally sustainable, quality health solutions to women, children, and their communities. Learn more at
USAID is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential.
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Media Inquiries:
Caris Foundation
Christopher Harmon
On December 5, 2017, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced their selection of Caris Foundation International to lead a consortium of partners to bolster Haiti’s health system and expand essential healthcare for up to 4.2 million people – spending $98.5 million over the next four years. Click here to go to the U.S. Embassy website:
About 500 gathered to celebrate as we graduated 338 of our older participants on the 9th of June, 2017. What a day of celebration and joy! Shosho Margaret opened with the devotional. Then lots of music and dancing. Testimonies from our role model ladies. Certificates given to our tailors and hairdressers. A hilarious but poignant drama that continued the story of Edna (Edward) the Caris participant who now leads her own groups. Jane Gitahi, Kenya Program Director, and I commissioned them to be change agents in their communities. The theme was – "SHINE! You have changed through the teaching and training you have received in Caris and you are shining. So now shine on others the knowledge and training you have received." To symbolize this we gave them each a set of plates, cups and serving tray and encouraged them to invite friends and neighbors for tea and share with them the better way of living they are now practicing. They were commissioned with a sash over their shoulders that read "Graduation 2017 - Caris Foundation - Grace to All". So a continuous line of all 338 women came singing and dancing to receive their graduation gift and sash. Then we had a graduation cake cutting ceremony and sharing of small pieces with everybody. A closing prayer by Daniel Chengo warmed all our hearts. And finally we had a delicious meal together with plenty of food for all.
Grace to all, Jim Reppart, Kenya Director
This is Rinaldi Banjor Nahor. He is an 11 year-old boy from outside the town of Dolok Sanguul, who has had cataracts since the age of one. Rinaldi's eyes are two of the 446 eyes that Caris Foundation International, in partnership with Body & Soul Ministries, completed during the week of March 20-25 in the Batak area of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia. Surgeons Dr. Pinto Pulungan and Dr. Jusni Saragih do a remarkable job as does the entire medical team from Medan. We are proud to be associated with them. We have completed over 6,000 cataract surgeries in Sumatra since 2005. This work is making a profound difference in the lives of thousands of Indonesians.

Here's a brief three-minute video that follows 11-year-old Rinaldi as his sight is restored.
Kathy and David D. Halbert, founders of Caris Foundation, have made a generous donation through the Foundation, to fund the Halbert-Walling Research Center on the campus of Abilene Christian University. The Halberts represent a four-generation family with deep ties to ACU.
The 54,000-square-foot facility opened for classes in January 2017 and serves as the new home for the departments of biology, chemistry and biochemistry and the Body and Soul program for pre-health students. Its laboratories, classrooms and lecture hall boast state-of-the-art equipment and modern designs.
A display in the building highlights the impact that Caris Foundation is making around the world (Click on image to enlarge).
2,000 women gathered to celebrate the end of another year of empowerment. They came by the bus loads from their villages and homes. They came singing with excitement of seeing new colleagues bonded together in their quest for sustainable income, food security, healthy living, and peaceful hearts.
They meet together in small groups every week, encouraging one another, giving to their savings and loan program, and discussing solutions to their own issues. But now 2,000 of them came together to share with glee the success and discoveries of a new way of living. Above the harmony of constant chatter was music offering a festive atmosphere for women who normally have little or no occasion to celebrate. So the program was punctuated with dance and song – hands in the air and ululation of joy. A day of celebration and eating together.
It’s time to celebrate! It’s time to share life! It’s time to be community! Community Empowerment!
Grace to all, Jim Reppart, Kenya Director

The patients at our biannual eye surgery camps in Indonesia usually cover the gamut, from young to the very old, though typically we don’t see many children. This year, however, the doctors operated on two, Lamhot, age 11 and Elfrianti, age 12, in Sidikalang in Northern Sumatra. They each had two cataracts and due to rapid deterioration there was a good chance they would be blind within a year. These kids were very brave souls to go through these operations at such a young age. Here’s a short video of their story.
This March, Caris Foundation in partnership with Body and Soul Ministries was able to complete cataract removal surgery on 509 eyes in three locations in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia. At Perdagangan Hospital in Simalungun, we completed surgeries on 269 eyes, at Porsea Hospital in Balige-Tobasa another 110 eyes, and at our final location in Sidikalang, 130 eyes. Our surgeons, Drs. Pinto Pulungan and Jusni Saragih, from Medan, are extremely professional and proficient, accomplishing these surgeries in just three long days. The tireless work of these doctors and their nursing staff is amazing to watch.
We can’t just show up and start operating on eyes though, we have to lay the groundwork throughout the year in order to arrive at these locations and have screened patients prepared to regain their sight. And we couldn’t get all of this done without the tireless work of Marganda Marbun and Erni Lim, who live in Indonesia. Marganda works with the surgical team to visit future surgical sites, inform the public of upcoming surgical screening opportunities through radio spots and ads, screen patients, and arrange the logistics of each trip. Erni Lim provides accounting services to help us maintain financial efficiency and integrity. They both do a wonderful job and this March’s camp was again conducted efficiently and perhaps most importantly, in a way that honors patients as “made in the image of God.”
Raising Awareness in Local Schools:
On November 30th, on the eve of World AIDS Day, Caris employees presented to Bridge Academy students on a variety of subjects related to HIV/AIDS. The 40 students were 14 and 15 years old and enjoyed learning about World AIDS Day.
After a brief introduction and discussion on HIV prevention and treatment, Caris representatives passed out a questionnaire on basic HIV/AIDS knowledge that children could fill out as a team. The team with the most correct answers received congratulatory chocolate. After discussing the questions as a class, Caris then presented a short film on the history of the virus, which included Haiti-relevant excerpts.
Before the end of the session, the students submitted anonymous questions on small sheets of paper. Caris staff responded to these questions for the group, without any child feeling targeted or stigmatized because of his/her question.
Caris has similar activities planned with three other local schools in Port-au-Prince during the week of December 1st. These sessions with Haitian teens will help increase communities’ understanding of the virus and will help eliminate myths about AIDS.
World AIDS Day in Port-au-Prince:
On December 1st, Caris attended a commemorative event on World AIDS Day in Port-au-Prince. A number of NGOs and international donors attended, including UNAIDS, Haiti’s National Program against AIDS (PNLS), the Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP), the U.S. Embassy, and All In.
The program included talks from representatives from the U.S. Embassy, UNAIDS, and MSPP. The Director General of MSPP stressed the importance of a holistic approach to combatting AIDS, involving educating communities and strengthening entire health systems. Several people living with HIV also provided testimonies about their experiences with stigmatization at school and in the work place.
Over 70 major head and neck surgeries were performed by a team of 28 visiting medical personnel organized by Dr. James Netterville of Vanderbilt University Hospital. Nine doctors from Kenya, one each from Uganda, Ethiopia and Zambia screened patients and performed surgeries side by side with the American surgeons.
At the same time over 200 patients were seen at the ENT clinic that ran simultaneously during the surgeries.
CARIS sponsors the camp in partnership with Tawfiq Hospital and Mombassa Maize Millers. All surgeries are free and people who could never afford this medical care were helped. Patients come with huge tumors that have deformed their face and neck. They come covered in cloth from shame and fear. But after surgery and recovery they leave the hospital proudly exposed and full of hope. Hidden lives can now come out in the open.
Delicate life changing surgeries were done on small children who had formed growths on sensitive facial nerves. These nerves were saved by the careful hands of our surgeons and the children will go on in life with normal control of their facial muscles.
But the child who took all of our hearts was Hussan, a 14 year old boy. Back in February he and his brothers were shepherding their goats and sheep when they came across some wires that had been discarded by the local rock quarry. They took the wires home and were making their own little lights with flash light bulbs and batteries so they could study their homework. Unfortunately one of the wires still had the blasting cap connected. When they hooked the wires up to the battery the cap exploded near Hussan's mouth and blew off his chin. The poor boy only wanted to study for school and suddenly his life was drastically changed. He lost the greater percentage of his speech abilities and he had to be fed with a syringe. Without a chin his mouth gaps open and saliva is captured by a plastic bag he wears around his neck. His eyes looked hollow and hopeless.
After 2 days of surgery our team had rebuilt his chin with a piece of the small bone in his leg and grafting his own muscles and skin round that bone. We hope to continue with more surgeries each year until his mouth is rebuilt. When he left the hospital he was eating his own food for the first time since the tragedy and his speech had improved. But most of all he had a glimmer of hope in his eyes and his mother and father were smiling.
God's healing grace was felt and experienced.